Category: Articles
Inaugural Speech of Dr. Bonifacio Valdez
Inaugural Speechof Bonifacio E. Valdez, MD., Ph.D.President, MinTVET, Adm Year 2021-2022 To our esteemed guests, Founding Chair Ms. JojieBian, our Association Immediate Past President,¬¬-Ms. Lourdes Mission and now Chairman of Min TVET, out-going and in-coming Board Officers, and Board of Trustees, members of MinTVET, my sincere and jovial greetings to all of you this afternoon.…
The TVET Sector During Pandemic
Striving.. Adapting… Moving On.. Thriving.. by: Marycel C. Engracia The Corona Virus (COVID-19) certainly hit the TVET Institutions and like other schools and business entities, caught them off-guard, as well. Suddenly, the quarantines or lockdowns changed the landscape of TVET in the Philippines and many private tech-voc institutions found themselves either in a dying mode…